Saturday, November 5, 2011

After School Ambassadors

CalSERVES Honorees from Bellevue District with former State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin

Former Superintendent Delaine Eastin was on hand yesterday to kick off the After School Ambassador's ceremony by reminding us all to continue to address the needs of the whole child and remember we have the chance to change lives through the relationships that are developed after school. 

Bellevue Superintendent Tony Roehrick, Principal Beth Wilson, and Mentor Teacher Emma Charlebois were honored by Region 1 Friday for their contributions to the after school field.  Below are some words from each of their nominations. 

Emma Charlebois
"Ms. Charlebois has consistently supported after school by educating parents and other staff members on the positive impact that our After School Program has on our students.  She always makes time to meet with parents and new teachers to let them know about our program, specifically all the work and effort that our staff gives out to our students.  She is a huge advocate and supporter of our program, and she has consistently displayed an admirable commitment for many years and we would like to acknowledge her for that."  Yesenia Salas-Chavira

Tony Roehrick
"Superintendent Roehrick has provided important leadership, encouraging his staff to see the program as a resource and partner in student learning.  He has supported the after school program's attendance at district trainings, encouraging the learning of common instructional strategies.  He has provided resources to the program and is available to troubleshoot when challenges arise.  At CalSERVES, we feel very lucky to work with such a supportive Superintendent and want to thank him for all he has done."  Julie McClure

Beth Wilson
"Ms. Wilson consistently projects our After School Program as an important component and partnership to the success of our students’ academic and social progress to teachers and staff.  Ms. Wilson has shown to always make time to answers any questions or concerns that our staff might have by always being available, whether in person, phone, e-mail or a quick walk & chat across campus. Ms. Wilson also makes sure our staff members feel important and assures a sense of priority when asked for her time and attention.  We believe Ms. Wilson should be recognized for her constant support, commitment and care for all our students in our After School Program."  Yesenia Salas Chavira

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