Monday, September 26, 2011

The Wright Stuff

I visited Wright Charter School on Friday afternoon to check in with the group and see how the first Fitness Week of the year went.  Little known fact:  I was a proud student of Wright school in the second grade.

Taylor and Jenna greet me with big smiles.

Stacey and Lauren struck a pose to celebrate the news that they are doing well in our social media competition.  Lauren has been spearheading the groups efforts!

During Fitness Week students wear pedometers and track their steps in an effort to increase physical activity and improve fitness.  Prizes were given to students in each grade who returned their pedometers the most.  

Students created a drum roll for the prize announcements.

The little one shows off his paddleball prize before packing it up in his back pack.

 Jenna generates excitement around the prize table.

We had a good discussion about things we can do to encourage students to set fitness goals as the year progresses.  We have this baseline set of numbers, how to we encourage personal growth in each area?  We talked about developing a personal log or journal for each student so they can set goals and track their own progress.

I also met up with Mentor Teacher (for 13 years!) Ellen Desmond.  Here she is standing in front of the Cesar Chavez mural created by CalSERVES about 10 years still looks great.

 Oh your energy!  Thank you for all you do...

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